Efficiently deplete single or multiple unwanted cell types labeled with biotinylated antibodies from mouse splenocytes or other tissue samples by immunomagnetic positive selection, with the EasySep™ Mouse Streptavidin RapidSpheres™ Isolation Kit. Widely used in published research for more than 20 years, EasySep™ combines the specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the simplicity of a column-free magnetic system.
This straightforward, optimized EasySep™ procedure involves labeling unwanted cells with biotinylated antibodies and streptavidin-coated magnetic particles called Streptavidin RapidSpheres™. Labeled cells are separated from untouched cells using an EasySep™ magnet and by simply pouring off the unlabeled cells. The desired cells remain in the tube. Following magnetic cell isolation, desired cells are ready for downstream applications, such as flow cytometry, culture, or DNA/RNA extraction.
This kit is not recommended for positive selection of mouse cells of interest. For positive selection, use EasySep™ Mouse Biotin Positive Selection Kit II (Catalog #17665).