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GE微载体 Cytodex 1 microcarriers (dry powder)17044803
  • 品牌:GE
  • 产地:usa
  • 型号:详见说明书
  • 货号:17044803
  • 发布日期: 2023-06-02
  • 更新日期: 2025-02-23
产地 usa
保存条件 详见说明书
品牌 GE
货号 17044803
用途 详见说明书
组织来源 详见说明书
细胞形态 详见说明书
保质期 详见说明书
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生长状态 详见说明书
物种来源 详见说明书
包装规格 详见说明书
.General-purpose microcarrier for most establishedanchorage-dependent cell lines.
Contains positive charges throughout the microporous matrix.
·Transparent for easy microscopic examination ofattached cells
It is particularly suitable for most established cell lines and for production of viruses or cell products from cultures of pri
mary cells and normal diploid cell strains
High yield culture ofanchorage-dependent cells
Microcarrier culture is a technique which makes possible the practical high yield culture of anchorage-dependent cells
Cytodex has been specifically developed for the culture of a wide ranae of animal cells in culture volumes ranaina fro
m a few mL to more than 6000 L.Using Cytodex in simple suspension culture systems provides vields of several millio
n cells per mL.
Suitable for most established cell lines
Formed by substituting a cross-linked dextran matrix with positively charged DEAE* groups distributed throughout the
matrix, is a general purpose microcarrier. lt is particularly suitable for most established cell lines and for production of
viruses or cell products from cultures of primary cells and normal diploid cell strains