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LONZA BE02-054Q 造血干细胞无血清培养基
  • 品牌:Lonza
  • 产地:美国
  • 货号:BE02-054Q
  • 发布日期: 2022-01-31
  • 更新日期: 2025-02-23
产地 美国
品牌 Lonza
货号 BE02-054Q
用途 造血干细胞无血清培养
包装规格 1L/瓶
纯度 %


CAR-T(Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Immunotherapy),即嵌合抗原受体T细胞mianyi疗法,作为exingzhongliu的希望之星,CAR-T备受期待,高分文章频出,行业利好消息不断,但CAR-T研究方兴未艾,需要用 的实验工具,减少实验摸索时间,提高CAR-T细胞培养效率,比如专业用于CAR-T细胞培养的LONZA X-VIVO 15 无血清免疫细胞培养基。

瑞士LONZA集团生产的X-VIVO 15 化学成分限定培养基,由LONZA在美国和比利时的工厂生产,专为免疫细胞培养设计,属于化学成分明确的无血清培养基,不含外源性生长因子、人造细胞增殖刺激因子、蛋白激酶C刺激剂等,近年来广泛应用于CAR-T细胞培养中,并在Cell、Nature等高分杂志中刊载(例如:Genetic Inactivation of CD33 in Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Enable CAR T Cell Immunotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia,Cell, Volume 173, Issue 6, 31 May 2018, Pages 1439–1453.e19;Targeting a CAR to the TRAC locus with CRISPR/Cas9 enhances tumour rejection,Nature 22 February 2017, 543, 113–117)。

LONZA X-VIVO 15 无血清免疫细胞培养基,由GMP级别工厂生产,已在美国FDA进行备案,品质 ,受到国外市场的广泛认可,同时,在中国细胞 领域有着极高的知名度,越来越多的科研人员已开始使用X-VIVO 15 进行CAR-T细胞mianyi疗法相关研究。
CAR-T细胞培养基 北京泽平

LONZA X-VIVO 15 英文产品描述:
I. Introduction
Lonza’s R&D efforts and involvement with numerous clinical trials have provided us with the tools and expertise to support developments in adoptive immunotherapy, cancer therapy, genetic therapy and other cellular therapies. Our philosophy for the development of serum-free formulations for use in cellular therapy is to provide a nutritionally complete and balanced environment for the cells. Our X-VIVOTM Media do not contain any exogenous growth factors, artificial stimulators of cellular proliferation or undefined supplements.

The products are devoid of any protein-kinase C stimulators and are suitable for the investigation of second messenger systems in the activation of human and murine lymphocytes. The formulations are complete and contain pharmaceutical-grade human albumin, recombinant human insulin and pasteurized human transferrin. All X-VIVO. Medium products are manufactured under current GMPs and are listed with the FDA in a Product Master File. Permission to cross-reference the Master File may be obtained by contacting Lonza.

II. X-VIVO 15 Medium
X-VIVO 15 Medium is similar in composition to XVIVO 10 Medium and has been optimized for the proliferation of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL) under serum-free conditions. The formulation supports the proliferation of purified CD3+ cells isolated from peripheral blood and human tumors.

X-VIVO 15 Medium has also been used to support the growth of human monocytes, macrophage cells and cell lines, PBL, granulocytes and natural killer(NK) cells. In addition, X-VIVO 15 Medium provides a serum-free environment for the expansion of HUT-78 and related human lymphocytic cell lines.

III. Additional Applications
A.Proliferation of PBL
B.Proliferation of TIL
C.Cryopreservation and transplantation of organs
D.Cultivation of human monocytes and macrophages
E.Cultivation of stem cells
F.Cultivation of dendritic cells

IV. Selected List of Cell Types Grown with X-VIVO Media
A.Human and murine LAK cells
B.Peripheral blood Lymphocytes
C.Human and murine TIL
D.Human T cells
E.Human and murine macrophages
F.Human and murine hematopoietic stem cells(colony formation and proliferation)
G.Cryopreservation of human tissue
H.Proliferation of draining

V. Storage
X-VIVO Medium should be stored at 2-8°C.
Protect from light.

04-744Q X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, without gentamicin and phenol red 1L
04-418Q X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin and phenol red 1L
BE02-053Q X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, gentamicin and phenol red, contains recombinant transferrin 1L
BE02-054Q X-VIVO™ 15 Medium with L-glutamine, without gentamicin and phenol red, contains recombinant transferrin 1L
